Currency converter
This currency converter is assigned to convert any currency into the national Ukrainian currency – hryvna. Using the converter it will be easier for you to decide on the exact sum of money you should take when coming to Ukraine. All the exchange rates are being constantly updated as of the required data thus you’ll get the latest and the most reliable information.
How to use the currency converter?
Type into the field “Value” the sum of money you want to convert into hryvna. Then in the field “From” choose the exchange item you wish to convert from and click the button “Convert”.
Below the converter you’ll see the result as a decimal fraction in which the numerals before the dot stand for the UAH amount whereas the numerals after the dot if they are here stand for the amount of copecks (1grivna is 100 copecks).
For example: when converting 10 EUR into the UAH the result is 123.17 in which 123 stands for hryvnas and 17 stands for copecks.