
Type: Restaurant, Sushi bar
Cuisine: Chinese, Thai
Address: Naberezhno-Khreschatytska St, 11
Phone: 0(44) 425-53-75, 0(44) 537-02-40

The “Vostok” (“East”) restaurant is already interesting because it offers dishes created approximately in 500 BC.


Interior calms you down with harmonic tones and peaceful mood. Lots of wood subjects are decorated with carvings. Quiet music complements the overall phlegmatic ambiance.
All in all, the Chinese cuisine has about 5000 items. Of course, “Vostok” has not so much to offer, however some key pieces you can have here. Every dish is the sum of work, emotion and inspiration of the chefs from China among which there are a lot of winners of the most prestigious gastronomic competitions. Peking duck can be an excellent example to a thorough and painstaking approach to creating culinary masterpieces in the restaurant. It is not in question that each one is grown in China, not in Ukraine.


And this meal will be cooked for you by the professional chef – the winner of the Chinese contest for most delicious duck. Portions are unbelievingly enormous which brings the guests together as anyone can take a piece from a plate that is placed in the middle of a table. About 85% of all dishes are cooked less than in a minute. Fast cooking and slow eating – are the main rules of the Chinese tasty and healthy food.
It makes sense to come to “Vostok” if you are fond of fish and seafood as among the top restaurant’s dishes are listed carp, sea scallops barbecues and fried octopus. If you cannot live without meat and poultry, all the more you should come here. You’ll love chicken with mushrooms in bamboo roots and veal with pine nuts and coriander. But if you are a vegetarian, then “Vostok” is the only place to come! Soy cheese doufu absorbs any shade of taste the chef gives to it: whether it be fish, meat, mushrooms or something unrecognizable, still it’s fantastic and incredibly tasty!


Finally, the tea. Your tea ceremony will be monitored by a specialist who’ll be pouring hot water from a tin kettle with a 50cm spout. The master of the tea ceremony will compile a composition from Chinese magnolia vine, fruit of lotus and chrysanthemum.
In unhurried communication enjoying the food you’ll experience the world of new sensations. And more than once you’ll return to the cozy “Vostok” restaurant to discover not only Chinese food but also the secrets of Chinese wisdom.

Hours: from 12:00 till the last visitor
Average bill: 400-600 UAH per person
Entertainment: TV, music