Marocana Fashion Café

Type: Restaurant
Cuisine: Fusion
Address: Lesi Ukrainki bul’v., 24
Phone: 0(44) 254-49-99

Nowadays, there is about a dozen of restaurants of the Eastern cuisine in Kiev.

Marocana Fashion Café

Visitors like their ethnic flavour, pretentious service, luxury and languishing comfort. Having appeared long before all these restaurants “Marocana Fashion Café” firmly remains an exceptional phenomenon among others. However, the Eastern exotic is something unobtrusive in “Marocana” and the European traditions are welcome here. Still when it comes to choosing the best Eastern restaurant, nine people from ten name exactly “Marocana Fashion Café”.

Marocana Fashion Café

Eastern luxury goes along with some original findings and all this is combined in a true “fusion”. The atmosphere captivates all at once so that you don’t want to leave “Marocana”. Meanwhile, each TV-screen broadcasts the latest fashion shows. Low-key day ambience flows into a stylish fashion party at night. Oriental motifs are expressed in satin chairs, soft sofas, padded stools with carved wooden legs that soften golden gloss of chased table tops while the pattern of each one is unique and mesmerize with its infinite diversity and complexity.

Marocana Fashion Café

Comfortable niches with tables and soft sofas hidden from indiscreet eyes with light tissue.
In this fairy-tale-like atmosphere you go back in time and only skillfully added hi-tech elements remind about the present time. Intriguing, magical, stylish – these are the epithets usually sounded in “Marocana Fashion Café”, and they are 100% deserved.
The talented chef, fantastic ingredients and up-to-date equipment that is the formula that wins gourmets’ hearts. “Oriental fusion” has absorbed the elements of the Eastern cuisine and poetry as well as the European quality and thoroughness of cooking.

Marocana Fashion Café

We recommend to try crabmeat, smoked salmon, Iceberg salad, grape and pine nuts under the “”Cocktail sauce”. For sweet teeth there is a wide selection of desserts to choose from.
The latest fashion shows are broadcasted in “Marocana Fashion Café” and the place itself is always in fashion. The two reasons for it have already been listed, they are the cozy interior and the excellent food. The third one is hospitality and attention to the guests. All in all, “Marocana” is a synonym for heart-warming atmosphere and the best impressions.

Hours: from 09:00 till the last visitor
Average bill: 250 UAH per person
Entertainment: TV, music, DJs