The “Heaven” club is positioned as a conceptually new nightclub propagandizing the so-called «cocktail» lifestyle.

The venue is estimated for the limited number of “right” people thus it’s not very spacious. The number of the “right” people is strictly controlled by the face-control at the club entrance which is convinced that only the best representatives of society can get to the “Heaven”.
Once you enter the club it becomes obvious that really big money have been invested into the venue. The interior is deceptively and expressly simple: white walls and laconic furniture from Philippe Starck serves just as a background for the expensive light equipment.

The LED-screens are installed along the perimeter transmitting images depending on the kind of a party. Designers have arranged the interior according to the paradise conception obviously trying to match the inner content with its appearance. Entering the club visitors come down “the paradise stairs”. The interior filling is made up by soft relaxing colours, neon lights, mirrors in gilt frames and flowers.
The uniform for waiters has been designed by Jeanna Kotenko leading to waiters now looking a bit foppish but that’s all in a day’s work in such kind of a restaurant. Visitors may be amused by little whistle hanging around the waiters’ necks. It turns out it’s the system of signals specially designed for minimizing the process of service.

Indeed, the waiters know their job: it can be counted on the fingers of one hand the number of restaurants in Kiev where while giving the menu the staff wishes having a good evening and emerges all of a sudden to bring light when you reach out for a pack of cigarettes.
The DJ’s booth is always occupied by a DJ that gives its way on Wednesdays to live artists. “Heaven” is known for its merry series of the parties HOUSEMANIA.

Each Thursday the club sees an event with the intriguing name Free Love Party with a complete ban on photos and video footage. The audience is decent mainly consisting of the young middle-class. Also, celebrities are quite frequent guests here with Frédéric Beigbeder, English duo DeepestBlue and CocoStar topping this list.
One thing is for sure, this club knows how rock. So if you want to have an unforgettable evening, you should pay a visit to this place that has become a byword for style.
Official site: Heaven
Address: Kiev, B. Grinchenko St., 7
Phone: 0(44) 279-86-29